Multitud: Participant Application Form
Your Details
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Pronouns
Please enter a valid email address.
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Residential Postcode
I am over 18
Tell us a little about yourself. This can be written in whatever format feels most comfortable for you, and could be single words, a paragraph, bullet points.
This can be anything and could include hobbies, occupation, interests. Whatever you feel comfortable sharing.
Emergency Contact Details
Emergency Contact
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Relationship
Examples: Parent, Friend, Partner, Sibling
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Accessibility Requirements
Please describe your accessibility needs so we would know how best to support you.
Are there any other supports would you need in order to engage with Multitud?
Allergies (Including Food)
Please list allergies you are aware of.
Dietary Requirements
Lunch will be provided on rehearsal days and dinner before performances.
Multitud Schedule
June 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th: 9:00am - 5:00pm
June 5th to 6th: Rest Days
June 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th: 9:00am - 5:00pm
June 11th, 12th: 2:00pm - 9:00pm
I am available for the entirety of the Multitud schedule
Please list any clashes you have with the schedule
We do have some flexibility in the schedule, but please list clashes in detail.
How did you hear about Multitud?
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: